Sunday, March 16, 2008

Shower Time

I don't know where Jr learned this, but the boy LOVES to drink from the shower. When he showers with me he sticks out his little tongue and laps up the shower water like a dog. Then he pushes my face into the water so that I too can enjoy the wonderful refreshment. I must say that while warm water is not my favorite, it is so much fun lapping up shower water with Jr! Aren't children great!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Caught it

10 years ago I was:
20 yrs old. I lived in an apartment with my childhood best friend and worked at Subway.

Things on my to-do list today:
Clean house from top to bottom, finish my last paper for this term, get groceries, pick up the car from the mechanic, and find some relax time with Aqeel.

Five things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1) Pay off all of our debt, which consists of our house and school loans.
2) Pay off all my siblings student loans and mortgages.
3) Buy Aqeel and I new cars
4) Set up college, missionary, and wedding day savings funds for the kids.
5) Donate a good bit of money to finding a cure for Alzheimer's cause I have the

Three bad habits:
1) Picking at my finger nails
2) Procrastination, which I don't know if I really view as "bad"
3) over-eating, not controlling portions

Five jobs I have had:
1) Sandwich Artist at Subway
2) Video Store Assistant Manager
3) Merchandising Manager at Victoria's Secret Beauty
4) Receptionist for Answering Service
5) Mother of three

Six things most people don't know about me:
1) I used to pee my pants a lot - if I had a full bladder and someone got me
laughing I had not control over my bladder, but only if it was full.
2) I am an excellent cook. It really comes easy for me.
3) I can sing and not just in the shower, but mostly in the car!
4) I am afraid of nursing homes - when I was little and visiting my grandma in one
this lady grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go. I was crying and the nurses had to
come and pry her hand off of me.
5) Snakes terrify me - even pictures of them. If I see one in a magazine I can't
even touch the page to turn it.
6) When I was a kid, sixth grade I think, I called my friend's mom a B!$@H to her
face and my mom didn't even get mad at me. I guess she agreed with my assessment.

Tag to whoever reads this!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

We have now arrived

We have now arrived in South Carolina. Yesterday we had a little visitor. It was a wild racoon. He was dying in our front yard. He wandered around our yard all morning until finally the Department of Natural Resources (because animal control doesn't handle wild animals) came out and shot it right in my grass. I now have a nice bloody spot in my front yard. Too bad no one was barbequing yesterday. They coulda had some good eats!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Can you smell the spring?

I love this time of year! I love the wonderful weather, the beautiful flowers, and the clean crisp smell in the air. I am so excited for this year because I actually have my own garden of flowers blooming. My tulips are sprouting and my pansies are flourishing. I am really learning to enjoy the labors of my own work and it is so much fun.