Thursday, January 29, 2009

two more weeks....

Today I am 37 weeks pregnant! All of my other children would have been born today, but my current OBGYN will not deliver before 39 weeks and so I have two more weeks to wait. This time around I am welcoming the wait. I am trying to finish two courses in half the time this term so that they will be finished before the baby comes and this gives me two more weeks to get stuff done. Also, it gives me two more weeks to mentally prepare for this baby. It hasn't been until recently that I have been able to wrap my mind around being a mother of four. I am very overwhelmed with this new challenge/blessing and am constantly amazed at the women (Sunshine, Camille, Irene) who are such wonderful mothers to more than three children.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sweet Amaya

Today Amaya said...

"Mom, you make my heart beat really fast when I am with you."

"Is that a good or bad thing, Amaya?"

"It's a good thing, Mom."

She is the sweetest little girl!!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Aysia's New Edition

Last week Aysia had an eye appt where we discovered that her vision was 20/50 and she was near sighted (can't see far away. This has helped t explainn a lot ofher problem with staying focused at school as she could read the board. Today her glasses came in! Here is our new and improved Aysia....

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Another trip down memory lane...

This was the second place we stopped at on our trip down south. It is called Garden of the Gods and it is outside Denver, CO. It was one of my fav spots. It was so beautiful to see these huge rock formations sticking out of the ground with all the greenery around it. It was really interesting.

This one is called The Lord's Prayer...

This one is Howling Wolves...

The next day we went to Seven Falls which is a place where there are literally seven waterfalls cascading down this mountain side all in the same river bed. They had an elevator that went half way up and than stairs so that you could climb to the top. Aysia and I climbed the 250 stairs to the top and my legs were BURNING, but it was a cool view! There was also this teepee that the kids had fun exploring.

Mid way up after the elevator ride...

Aysia and I happy to have reached the top...

The view from the top. Notice how small the people are down below and that is only half way up the falls...

The teepee...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


It is 3:30AM and I am making this post. I have been having problems getting to sleep at a decent hour for over a year now. I've tried ambien, benadryl, unisom, tylenol pm, and even sleeping on the couch nothing has worked. I thought for sure when I got pregnant I would be so tired that it would fix my problem, but nope. Does anyone have any suggestions????? Please remember I am pregnant and cannot take any drugs.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Fun memories

I recently went through all my pictures that I have taken over the past year or two and noticed that there is a lot that I could have posted about but didn't. so here are some old pics that bring back some fun memories...

When we drove out to South carolina we made a few stops along the way. The first was the Grand canyon...

It was soo hot here. Granted it was mid-June when we went through.

This was quite a beautiful view. It really made me realize just how insignificant I really am in the whole scheme of things.

This was a day that I ran out of clean cute outfits and so I hate what I was wearing,but the pic still had to be taken.

I like this picture better. Look how small Jr. is. It's hard to believe he was ever small. He was about 8 months old here.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ready or Not...

Well the baby is officially coming Feb. 12th. We scheduled the c-section this afternoon with the Dr. So, whether were ready for this baby or not it is coming and it is coming soon!!!! So, the actual countdown is 36 days...

Thursday, January 1, 2009


It seems that the beginning of every year brings about a lot of thought processing on what to change or do better in that year. For me this involves the regulars, loose weight, eat better, read scriptures/say prayers more regularly, etc.. This month however presents a new decision. We have recently acquired enough money to move out of my fathers home. This seems to be a no brainer and obviously an easy choice. However, since we only have enough money to either move out or buy necessary items for the baby we have been stuck with the decision of which to pick. The pros of moving out are... less stress since we are no longer sharing a home with a stepmother that doesn't really want us here, our own space, our own rules, and finally independence and a feeling of being able to self sustain. We have also found a house which is in the same school dist and ward so there will be little change in that regard. Also, Aqeel was just recently called to be the Elder's Quorum Pres and we feel that we shouldn't leave the ward after just accepting this calling. Ok, so pros of buying baby stuff are pretty obvious you can't have a baby without a car seat, clothes, and diapers, along with a few other essential items.

So, the decision is which to pick since it seems we cannot afford both. Any suggestions???????