Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

Today I had my last visit with my orthopedic Dr. He said that my arm was healing well and though it wasn't finished growing new bone it had grown enough that I no longer have to wear my brace or have any more appts!!! I am so grateful for the miracle of the body and its ability to heal itself!!!!!! Freedom at last!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Getting a jump start

I know it's a bit early for christmas,but I am sending this out anyway. I like to get a jump start on the holidays by getting my Christmas letters out the day after Thanksgiving. To do this I need addresses. So, I am asking that everyone who reads this blog comments with their address, or emails it to me at so that I can add you to my list. Those of your who are nice and make comments on all my postings for the remainder of the year will get a card, those who are naughty, well you will get your due reward :) !!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Being 24 weeks along and with the stress of deciding on a name for the baby the question has arised on whether to find out the sex or not. I really don't want to know this time around, but Aqeel needs to know, or so he says. I feel like with all my babies been planned c-sections there is no element of surprise. It's like going in for a Dr's appt and coming out with a baby. There's no waiting or wondering if my water will break while I am out running errands, or how long labor will last, etc.. So, I want there to be some sort of surprise when I am lying on the operating table. With Amaya we did not find out the sex and when the Dr said "It's a girl" I started crying. Now, this is not a weird occurence for most deliveries, but it never happened with any of my other deliveries. So, I decided not to find out the sex of this baby. Aqeel, on the other hand, knows exactly what we are having and is really good about keeping it from me, not that I am asking. Parts of me wonders, should I be concerned that Aqeel is SOOO good at keeping secrets from me :)!? Anyway, for all of you who cannot stand not knowing what I am having I am giving permision for you to ask Aqeel. The only thing I need from you is a promise you won't tell me, or hint, or refer to any gender until after the baby is born. Here is Aqeel's email address

Monday, November 3, 2008

Just Can't Get Enough

Normally durring pregnancy my weakness is...

Seriously I could eat a whole package in one sitting with two big glasses of milk for dipping. This pregnancy however, I can't get enough of these....

I think this one is due to Halloween.

This is seriously the BEST Hot Cocoa EVER!! (Sorry Michelle for making you gag with the idea)