Monday, September 29, 2008

So inspiring...

One of the things that I remember most about my mother is seeing her reading. I think she keep desseret book in business buying at least two books every month for years. We have a vast collection of books because of it and I enjoy reading almost all of them. In fact most of the members in our town know of my mother's mini library and used to come over and check out books from her.

So, last night I was looking through the shelves and I came across this book. On the back cover was a picture of the authors with their family. As I looked through the picture I realized that I knew two of them and so I decided to read it. As I read this book each page became more and more personal to me. Each part of the story struck a cord within me and I was amazed at how the story of family a didn't really know could have such a resounding impact on me. Though the story is about the long battle of loosing a loved one to cancer, something I cannot fully relate to, it is also about the joys of adversity. Some of you may think that joy and adversity cannot dwell within the same sphere, but to me it does. I have struggled with much adversity in my life and from it I have learned how much my Heavenly Father really does love and trust me. To quote a passage from the book, "I have a different understanding of adversity now, viewed not with despair or anguish or regret but with confidence that my loving Heavenly Father is earnestly trying to allow me to learn something very important-so important that he is actually willing to let me suffer in order to learn the lesson." These words are so true!

So, if any of you are looking for a great book to read try and find Marathon of Faith, by Rex & Janet Lee. It is such a wonderful book of inspiring faith! I am grateful to the Lee family for sharing their personal experience so that I may be touched and uplifted by it!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

For you Diane...

I found this dress on Nordstrom's site. I think it is so cute and it would look great with your body shape. It's called a OC by Oleg Cassini Belted Taffeta Dress. Anyway, just thought I would try to help in your search.

p.s. also found these shoes at and thought they were so cute.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wisdom Wednesday - Changing schools

Lat night was Parent's Night at Aysia's school. We had a good time seeing her classroom and meeting her teacher. However, looking over her class work was a different experience. Aysia has done really badly with math concepts here. These are the same math concepts that while in 1st grade in San Diego she had mastered. It occurred to me last night that while in South Carolina she didn't bring home a whole lot of math homework and definitely not a lot that had to do with memorization of addition and subtraction tables. So, now that she is here and the curriculum is centered more around math and reading/writing she is not doing so well. This has made me really regret the fact that we have moved our kids around so much. Aysia has lost so much in the year that we spent in South Carolina and it really makes me question why??? Is it because the curriculum isn't as advanced? Maybe the fact that she had such a young teacher had something to do with it??? Maybe it's just been the crazy summer we have had??? I don't know the real answer but it has certainly posed an issue for us. Also, Amaya has started kindergarten and we have learned that she needs extended day kindergarten to help her catch up to the rest of her class. I know that Amaya has fallen under the curse of the middle child. We did not work with her at home on memorizing the alphabet, beginning to learn to read, or even writing and so she is a bit behind. This whole experience, maybe these are the prego hormones talking, has really made me feel like I have done a true disservice to my children academically. I know I shouldn't really worry because Aysia will remember and catch on quickly. Amaya will catch on also. After all she isn't the only one in her class that is behind and she is only in kindergarten. So, I guess my words of wisdom for today would be to be engaged in your children's learning both in school and before school starts.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Celebrity Morph by MyHeritage

I like the morph better. This is me and Scarlett Johansson. I think she is beautiful! Maybe I can literally morph into her someday!

MyHeritage: Celebrity Morph - Family tree outline - Family pictures

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

I did three...With, without glasses, and as a kid. Notice there are very few similarities between the collages...

without glasses...

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb

With Glasses....

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb

About 3 yrs old...

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity

The miracle of making babies

Here is the first pic of baby #4. Baby is about 18 weeks old and the radiologist wouldn't give us a gender yet so we don't know the sex. I am actually glad of that because I haven't yet decided if I want to know. With Amaya we chose not to find out and it was really a great moment when she arrived and the Doc. said "it's a girl!" I think I want to experience that again. However, Aqeel does want to know, so we'll see. So far this pregnancy has really sucked, which hasn't helped me warm up to the idea of having another baby very well. I had first trimester nausea similar what I experienced during my pregnancy with Jr only I caught it early enough and got on the phenegren quickly. Now I have acid reflux like none other. I cannot eat milk or tomatoes I am assuming because of the lactose and acid. However, the positive side of not being able to eat milk is that I am not downing whole bags of oreos in one sitting, which is a pregnancy norm for me. So, maybe having gas and reflux will actually help me not gain too much weight!! Another positive is that I have recently began to feel the baby move a bit, which is my favorite part of second trimester pregnancy! So, maybe the whole pregnancy won't suck and I can find a way to be excited about having this FINAL (and I really mean it this time) baby.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pregnancy hormones

We all know that being pregnant brings on plenty of emotional ups and downs and as many times as I have been pregnant you would think that I am well versed in these emotional ebbs and flows. Today however I was overcome with sadness, maybe joy I don't really know while watching The Karate Kid. You heard me correctly I said The Karate Kid!!! I have been in a nostalgic mood lately so I have been renting a lot of 80's flicks and sharing them with the kids. I have not seen that movie since the 80's but when little Danielson won the Karate tourney I was fighting back tears! Crazyness!!!! Sometimes I wish I were a guy and not so emotional!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Just thinking...

A lot of things have been bouncing around in my mind lately and I haven't posted because I don't want to bore anyone, but I feel guilty for not posting so here goes...

1. I have NO idea who to vote for or even which party to subscribe too. I have previously leaned towards Obama, but Democrats are in favor of such things as abortion and legalizing homosexual marriage. Since I know the difference between right and wrong shouldn't I stand up for things that are right? If I vote in favor of a democrat aren't I voting for abortion and gay marriage???

2. What makes someone who has been a member for years, married in the temple, and had both kids baptized fall away from the church??? Recently I found out that my cousin did this and I am in shock. There was no offense that occurred. She merely stopped believing and now is opposed to her boys having the priesthood. I don't understand, but also don't want to offend her by asking. So sad...

3. Is there a right way to tell someone you love that they need marital counseling and a closer relationship with the Savior without sounding "holier than thou"? Another cousin of mine and close friend is having real problems in her marriage and from what I can see the only way to fix it is through therapy and the atonement. How do I tell her that without offending her and is it even my place to say anything? She talks with me a lot about her problems, but is that license to say what I really think even though it may sound harsh???

So, these are just some thoughts and I would LOVE any and all opinions on these. Please feel free to share without judgment.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I hate to be a complainer, but I am so going to today! I had an appt today with my orthopedic surgeon. He said that my bone in my arm is not healing correctly. It is bowing out because of my well endowed front section that spills over into my armpit. So, they are giving me a new gadget for my arm. I already HATE the one I have because it leaves me so paralyzed. Even typing on this computer is uncomfortable. Now they are giving me this foam cushion triangular pillow thing that straps around my waist and keeps my arm away from my body. As soon as I get the new gadget I will have Aqeel take a pic so I can post it. I am really not looking forward to this new thing. I am grateful for modern medicine and not having to undergosurgery, but I am starting to think that surgery is a nicer, quicker option. My arm hurts and I am irritated by my upcoming apendage, but I am grateful for modern medicine.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wisdom Wednesday

'I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back.' Maya Angelou

Lately I have felt a little bit like the one with two catcher's gloves. It seems that there are times in life where we get so focused on what we want that we loose sight of what we are giving. As mother's we are always giving to our children and husband's, but what are we doing beyond that? This is the trap I get caught in. I rely on the fact that serving our family is service enough, but I am affraid that I will be found wanting in the service department wondering why I didn't give more. It does not require much effort; a friendly call to someone in need, a helping hand to a stranger who needs help loading their groceries into their car, a few words of encouragement to someone needing a lift. These things are service too and these things I can do. The question is why don't I? So for this week my goal is to find a way every day that I can give a little extra to those whom I do not always serve.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Manic Monday - 4-Wheelers

Ok, so another low point...

Two days after we arrived in La Grande I decided to take my kids for a ride on Granpa's new 4-wheeler. You must understand that in my lifetime I have driven and riden on many a 4-wheeler, but never an automatic 8-cyl one. So, with all the kids in tow and Aqeel at the college siging up for school, we loaded onto the 4-wheeler and over to the empty field at the end of our block. The first couple trips around the field were fun and pretty uneventful so I decided to let Aysia drive. She got in the front and drove the rest of us around the field about 2x. Then it was Amaya's turn. We were facing a neighbor's horse pasture and Amaya pushed on the throttle and would not let go. I panicked as I saw the barbed wire fence and fence post right in front of us and froze. In my mind I was thinking "take her hand off the throttle" but I just froze. So, we easily porceeded through the fence. Next in our path were two horses. Again panicking I decided to try to turn. This resulted in me flipping the 4-wheeler 1 and 1/2 turns. The children were all ok except a few small bruises and scrapes. I however hit the manure and kept slidding for about 2-3feet. When I finaly came to a stop I tried to get up, but couldn't. For some reason my whole left side was numb and I couldn't breathe easily. Out of nowhere a man and his wife came running to our aide. They called the ambulance and I decided to explore my injuries. My upper right arm was extremely swollen and I was sure it was either broken or I had a dislocated shoulder. My right leg was painfully sore, but I couldn't sit up to look at it. Aysia ran back to Granpa's and fetched my brother Jaime who called Aqeel. The ambulance then arrived and strapped me to the transport bed and Aqeel and Jamie were able to give me a blessing before the ambulance pulled off. I was covered from head to toe in dirt and manure and earned the top award for dirtiest patient to ever enter the ER!!! The doctor cleared me for any neck, head,or back injuries and I went back for x-rays. The x-ray tech was so nice and gentle and found a broken humurous on my right side. For those of you who don't know bones, this is the bone between the shoulder and elbow. The ER doc put my arm in a splint and sent me off with some oxycodine and a referal to the orthopedic Dr for further assesment. The only wound to my leg was a punture wound from the barbed wire for which I was treated with a tetnus shot and bandage.

Four days later I met with Dr. Warren who placed me in a plastic hydrolic arm brace. This brace squeezes the arm to lengthen it and allow the bones to reset and heal naturally. It was pretty painful at first, but now (1 week later) I have no pain and mobility in my hand and forearm. According to the Dr. I will be in this dumb thing for "months" so we will see how this whole recovery thing goes. One benefit is that I no longer have to change diapers as I am unable to do so with only one fully functioning arm!!!!! Poor Aqeel has been so accomodating and has completely taken over as mother & father for our family. I am sooo lucky to have him around!!!

We're back!!!

Ok, so just a quick overview... The drive was great! My cousin came out to help me drive which made it so much fun for me! We bought walkie talkies for the two vehicles and had fun doing our "trucker" talk back and forth on one another!!! There were only two down points to the trip. The first involved a broken down U-Haul which required us to trade out to a different truck and delayed us 5 hrs on our 9hr drive day! Luckily some awesome elders from the O'Fallon, IL ward helped us out! The second hiccup was the best western in Wyoming. Now I know best western's are one the cheep end for hotels, but we were trying to save money and only wanted a clean bed/bath so we weren't very picky. Upon arrival to our room in Wy, we were met with an incredibly overwhelming smell of rosey room deodorizer. This should have been our first clue, but we just figured that since the carpet was a bit amp they must have just cleaned the carpets. Then at about 9:45pm we started getting into bed. When we pulled back the covers to one of the king sized beds we were met with a handful of pubic hair and makeup smeared on the sheets!!!! Then when we opened the sheets to the roll away cot there was dry chewed gum in the sheets! This was sooo grose. So, being the kind restrained person I am I called the front desk to complain. They changed all of our bedding and gave us a discount on our room. This was not enough for me. They offered to change rooms, but if the housekeeping wasn't changing our sheets why would they change any other room's sheets. So, I called around to find another hotel, but every respectable hotel was full. We decided to rough it for the night in our new clean bedding, but in morning I made sure that our room was compted.

So, other than those two low points the trip was great. The kids were wonderful! Portable DVD players are a godsend. Also, I may add that on your next long car trip bring along a child training potty seat. We did and this saved us countless stops to the potty. I even used it which completely boosted my ego cause my booty fit (somewhat) on the seat!!