Sunday, February 24, 2008

this boy

I love this boy! I never would have thought that having a boy could have been so much fun. He has the most sparkliing eyes and cute little dimples. Recently he has discovered how much fun it is to chase his sisters around the house and they love it. It is so cute seeing them be so playful together and hearing his little squeel when the girls catch him. He is also just a good little boy, except when he turns off the tv while the girls are watching it. He is also a little daddy's boy and he wanders around the house saying "da" or "daddy" all day. Anyway, he is the apple of my eye right now.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Love is in the air

For valentine's day my wonderful husband took me on the most wonderful date, the one I planned!! We went to the Biltmore House which is an amazing Old world Mansion built in 1895 for George Vanderbilt. It is a 2.4 million, 250 room humble home with all the original furnishings from tapestries to bed linens. the mansion come complete with its own indoor bowling alley and pool. It is an amazing place to visit. There is also a beautiful conservatory and gardens, winery, and stables. If you wanna check it out further go to the biltmore link on my page.
Anyway, I love this time period and going to this house makes me feel like elizabeth Bennet when she first enters Mr. Darcy's home in Pride and Prejudice. It is the most wonderful place!! So, if any of you are looking for a wonderful place to visit check it out, also it's only an hour away from me!!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Isn't life exciting!

Since we moved here Aqeel has been looking for another job with absolutely NO success. There seems to be a lot of jobs around here for engineers, but not so many for international business & spanish majors. Aqeel and I felt that the Lord was preventing us from finding another job because we were suppossed to stay at Toys "R" Us. A job that Aqeel hates. Back in September Aqeel was offered to work for a company called Primerica, which is a financial planning company, part or full time. He went to a few classes but was then sidetracked with the busy christmas season. He recently took his state insurance exam and passed.

On Friday aqeel called me from work and told me he had some news. I need to prface this by saying that Aqeel recently asked for a raise which they were working on filling out the evaluation paper for last week. I assumed he received a raise so I was like, yeah bring on the news! He told me that his boss was in and they were offereing him a two week vacation to find another job because it was obvious that he didn't want to work there. I was blown off my feet. If any of you know anything about Aqeel it should be obvious what a hard worker he is, so I was shocked that this would happen, as was Aqeel. We took the vacation and Aqeel is currently looking for another job as well as working full time as a financial planner.

We have now realized that we should never assume that we know what the Lord wants for us. Isn't life interesting.