Friday, October 31, 2008

catching up

Ok,so I have been really bad about posting and I really don't have an excuse for why. So,here are some pics to try and catch up.

You may remember that I broke my arm a while back... Here is the pic of the cast and spacing sling thing. It's a bad pic, but I took it myself so I couldn't get a good angle.

Next, Aqeel has learned a new trade. He is now a carpenter. He helped my Dad build a shed in their back yard from sratch. Here is a pic...

Dad & Dixie

Aqeel hard at work


diane said...

Ouch! Reminds me of my shoulder surgery...and wasn't pregnant with young kids. Hope you are healing well.

Aqeel is very talented.

ferntyler said...

yippee, an update! how is your arm now? how are you feeling?

Todd and Camille Hendrickson said...

Quite the project there...hope you get to take that off soon.