Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Protecting the Sanctity of Marriage

This video was sent to me via email and I thought it was important enough to share here. We have heard that "to whom much is given, much is required." I believe this includes standing up for things that may be hard for others to understand. There have been many who have said that voting yes on Prop 8 is voting for hate. I can see how people without the understanding and belief of the gospel would feel or think this way. However, those of us who know understand that voting yes means taking a stand for what is right. This video shows an example of the effects of legalizing homosexual marriages and it is quite interesting....


Kim W said...

I'm so glad you posted this video. I saw another one with only a partial story of this family. It didn't talk about him going to jail. EEKS!

Jenna said...

Whoa! Scary stuff. Thank you for posting this. I have always said that I will NEVER homeschool my children. It may just get to the point that I do not have a choice.

3WimmerBoys said...

Hey thanks for sending that along. DOn't you wish you still lived in California this November?

ferntyler said...

seriously, too bad you can't move back so you can vote for prop 8 :)
by the way, the runners in the Mud Run were me, Laura, Elizabeth, Jenn and Jenn's friend, Colleen... good times :)