Wednesday, March 10, 2010

it has been a really long time!

So here is what you missed....

Ayron turned 1 and is walking around everywhere!Here is what he did to his birthday cake!

Here he is walking...

He also had his first professional haircut by my awesome beautician cousin Danielle!



Almost all of my siblings came to visit for a wknd in feb to celebrate my neice's birthday and my Dad's birthday! I heard it was a lot of, but I was locked in my bedroom with the flu for most of the time! So, that is it really. We are boring I know!


ferntyler said...

an update!! look at all that hair - so cute

Kim & Brian's Adventures said...

Hey there! Your little guy is soooo stinkin' cute! Glad you are over the flu! How is school going? Miss you!