Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Maybe I was born in the wrong body?

I am gonna apologize for the post ahead of time. This post is just me venting about some issues I have with women in general.

I have a lot of empathy for others, but I have very little patience when grown adults do not speak freely and honestly about what they think, want, or feel. It just makes things too messy. If you are offended by something I do, please tell me straight up! Don't beat around the bush or gossip about it to others, talk to me. 99% of the time I didn't even know I was being offensive. I am not hard hearted or lack affection for others, but I don't always agree with everyone, or want to do the same things others are doing. However, it has been my experience that some people, specifically women, really get their feelings hurt over those things. I just think it's all really silly and do not understand it at all.

I think I will bring my venting session to an end with saying that I love people, I do, sometimes I just think I may have been born with a man's mentality when it comes to understanding the things some women do. Of course I am speaking generally here with regard to gender specific roles and mentality.


Jacie said...

I feel like that a lot! You are not alone. I would much rather have someone tell me how they feel than have to wonder about it. I, for one, love you! Your honesty is very refreshing. Keep it up! The people who really matter, will love you for who you are and will know that you didn't mean to offend. :)

The Muries said...

Alisa that totally cracks me up because I have to agree here. You aren't someone who is mean hearted although I think I come across that way at times, because at times I am a bit blunt not trying to be mean just saying what I think.

The Family Rasheed said...

thanks Ladies!