Thursday, February 19, 2009

baby weight

It has been one week since I gave birth to Ayron and I am already back to my pre-baby weight!!! The only problem with this is before I got pregnant I was already 50-55 lbs overweight. So, now begins the year long weight loss plan.

I hate diets! I hate the idea that you only change your eating style until you are at the desried weight and then turn back around to the old eating habits. I think this type of lifestyle is pointless. So, I have devised what I like to call the phase out plan.

It takes 30 days to break a habit and so I have set my plan up around 30 day intervals. For the first 30 days I have given up all fast food (except subway or salads)and all candy. The second 30 days will involve begining a work out routine with three days a week cardio and two days a week weight training (one for upper body,one for lower body). Also during this 30 day interval I will cut out all desert type items such as cookies, brownies, ice cream, etc... and potato chips. For the final 30 days I will begin eating more raw vegtables. This will probably be the hardest month for me and I will probably be eating a lot of carrots!

After these three months I figure I should have cut out all the junk and have added healthy foods as well as exercise. I am no health genius but I think my plan should work. It has already been one week and I haven't eaten any candy or fast food,although I almost ate a piece of candy without even thinking about it. Luckily Aqeel was there to remind me about my plan and I put the candy down and slowly backed away.

So, what do you guys think??? Do you think it will work? Do you think I will stick to it??? Do you think I will loose the 55 lbs in the next year???


Holly said...

Take it easy, it's your 4th. You're allowed a little time to relax and eat "for the health of the baby" before you need to worry about a diet. Anyway, you always look great!

Amber said...

Good for you! I think that phasing things out is a great idea. Then you don't set yourself up for failure by going cold turkey on everything all at once! After Oakley it took forever to lose my baby weight because I set unrealistic goals. With Easton, I cut my portion sizes in half and walked in the moring and at night and I lost all of it in 4 months. Much more realistic. Congrats on Ayron by the way. He is adorable!!

Kim W said...

I'm right there with you in the weight losing department. For me, I find that if I don't make anything "off limits" then I don't feel deprived. I give myself one day to "treat", if I've done good the rest of the week. Then you can have a little something (a small candy, or a small fry) and know you're still on your program.

Good luck with your goal! I'm totally rooting for you!!!

3WimmerBoys said...

Oh Alisa I feel for you! This is the part of having a baby I HATE so much! It takes soooo long to get back to where you want to be after having a baby. I am still living it up, eating everything in sight, but eight weeks from now I will be right there with you. Good luck, I'll need it soon too!

Jen said...

Congrats on another cute little guy! I think you have a good plan going. It took me 2 years to lose my baby weight with Kelsie. I think it is cute that Aqeel reminded you about the piece of candy. I think a year is a good realistic goal. Good luck...I am pulling for you!

ferntyler said...

I love that you are giving yourself time - I didn't lose Brooke and Ashley baby weight until after I had Lauren, so... I can't make anything offlimits, though, or that's the only thing I want (what does that say about me).. less candy, more veggies, how can you go wrong?