Friday, March 13, 2009

Week Three

Weight: 174, down one pound from last week, 9lbs overall!!!

Exercise: ran 1.25 miles and walked 3/4 mile in 28 mins!

Food plan: Well I have to say I cheated. We took the kids to Burger King last Fri night and I ordered a chick sand and side salad, which would have been a good order except when we got home I realized they gave me fries instead of a salad. So, since I was hungry and lazy I ate the fries. I could have made my own salad at home, but I didn't and I felt so guilty eating those fries. The guilt was so intense that the fries didn't even taste that good. I will chalk this up as a failure that was a wonderful learning experience for me. Other than the fries I have done well. I gave up all desert type foods and potato chips this week. So, in all I have given up candy, deserts, greasy fried foods, and potato chips. Giving up the deserts has been hard these past two days, but I am holding out strong so far...


diane said...

9lbs. is awesome! It's like you had another baby.

Keep going girl. I know you can do it. You are setting a good example for your kids by teaching them to eat healthy.

ferntyler said...

keep it up - you even ran more than you walked!

3WimmerBoys said...

It's not your fault they gave you fries instead of a salad, what were you to do! It's good to give in every once in a while anyway. You are still going down, down so all is good!

Liz said...

Wow, I am SO impressed!! Keep up the good work! (and forgive yourself the fries....totally not your fault)

Melanie said...

Who can blame you for not wasting food! It sounds like you had a great week. Keep up the good work.

Todd and Camille Hendrickson said...

Sometimes I think you are being too hard on yourself. Fries are a vegetable, the only one that Todd will eat.