Sunday, April 5, 2009

Week Six

Weight: 175 Lbs stayed the same

Exercise: Monday - ran 1.5 miles, Wed - ran 2 miles, Thur - weight training - upper body and core, Fri - ran 2 miles.

Food Plan - I ammended my food plan because I just can't seem to give up deserts. So, now I will allow myself deserts, but only if I make them from scratch (which I don't like to do often). So, because of my amendment I haven't diverted from the food plan!


diane said...

Does it count if you scratch open the box?

The Family Rasheed said...

I wish it did!

Jen said...

Stay strong! I am with you on the dessert thing. I just can't give them up entirely.

ferntyler said...

nice work on the workouts this week! I think its good you can give yourself a little sweetness - who wants to live a life where they never eat dessert again?