Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I wanna, too!

How long have you been together?
In my heart I feel I have always been connected to Aqeel, but physically 71/2 years.

How long did you date?
About 6 months before engagement and another 6 after that.

How old is he?
Aqeel is 31 and I will be 30 in April!

Who eats more?
I think this question should be obvious, Me!!! I love food far too much. It truly just brings me so much joy.

Who said "I love you" first?
Me, no question although I think we both felt it at the same time. Aqeel was in denial for a while that he could love someone he had never before seen.

Who is taller?
Aqeel by 1 1/2 inches.

Who sings better?
Well Aqeel is mostly tone def so I do not have much competition, but I would say me anyway.

Who is smarter?
It's really not fair that I am the only one responding to these questions because I am always gonna say me. Honestly, I really don't know. I would say we are pretty equal in intelligence just on different topics.

Who does the laundry?
I hate it when Aqeel tries to help out in this department because he always shrinks something or put the wrong colors together so that they end up looking dingy. The answer to the question however, is both of us, but mostly me.

Who does the dishes?
Since I am going back to school Aqeel has agreed to take on the bathrooms and kitchen duty, so for now Aqeel does it.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
I say whatever side of the bed I am sleeping on is always right! (but it's really Aqeel)

Who pays the bills?
Aqeel, I just make sure they get paid.

Who mows the lawn?
Aqeel, I was raised that lawn care is a man's job.

Who cooks dinner?
I do. I love to cook.

Who is more stubborn?
Aqeel, although he doesn't have me beat by much.

Who kissed who first?
After dating for six months via the phone we were both so excited to be able to kiss that we both just attacked one another.

Who asked who out first?
I introduced myself to Aqeel first and I guess I was the first one to declare my interest as more than just friends, but we met online so our situation is a little different.

Who proposed?
After a date to the movies I had him hold my jacket while I went to the bathroom and he slipped the ring in my pocket. I found it when I put my coat back on. That was it. He never even asked if I would marry him. He just gave me the ring and assumed since we had already talked about getting married that that was enough. However later that night as we were kissing I asked him if he was actually going to ask me to marry him and so in between kisses he did so. What was a girl to do but say yes. It's a good thing he's such a good kisser! I will never let him live this down.

Who is more sensitive?
Aqeel is the Alpha-male so he doesn't "feel" anything. Definitely me although I am pretty tough skinned.

Who has more friends?
Probably me, although few of them live near me.

Who has more siblings?
Me, by far. I come from a family of 7 kids (4 boys, 3 girls). Aqeel has 2 older half siblings (10 and 8 years older) and on younger brother.

Who wears the pants in the relationship?
Honestly, we both try hard to share this responsibility. However, I think that Aqeel gives in a lot more to me than I do to him. I tell myself this is because he recognises my brilliance in all things!


Jen said...

I am so glad you shared. I had no idea you guys met online. Too funny, about just attacking one another. Isn't it wonderful how things turn out? I really enjoy reading your posts. I think I have learned more about you, than I did the whole time you lived here :D

ferntyler said...

love it! I love your sleeping on the "right" side of the bed...

diane said...

I shattered my knee and had it rebuilt. Yuck! Tell Aysia that Brynn says Hi. She looks just the same only taller. I'd love to get your email.

Sunshine said...

So fun learning more about you two. It is so great that you are going back to are one smart cookie!