Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I don't know about the rest of you, but watching the Presidential debate tonight has left nothing but a bad taste in my mouth. The constant finger pointing and unanswered questions were really depressing. I don't know how either politician can expect to gain support by this type of behavior. I am saddened by both men and have no desire to vote for either person. I am so glad there is a place to pencil in a candidate on the ballots because at this point the only answer for me is someone other than Obama or McCain. What do the rest of you think????


diane said...

McCain is our best bet. I have to vote for the conservative candidate.

Please don't waste your vote.

ferntyler said...

the debates just frustrate me - no answers, just both candidates working hard to get to their "talking points"

Liz said...

I hate the 'finger pointing' too, just tell me why I should vote for you, not why I shouldn't vote for the other guy!! It seems so 3rd grade!! I agree with Diane, gotta vote conservative!

Maren said...

I make a concerted effort to stay as far away from politics as possible. All they do is argue, finger point and play games. It frustrates me to no end. . . that being said, I will still vote the conservative ticket every time!

Anonymous said...

If the only place you are getting answers is in debates, you need to get more informed. There are about a zillion websites out there pinpointing exactly what each candidate believes and SAYS they will do as President- as well as just as many fact-checker websites to tell you who is lying. Bottom line: don't expect government to solve your problems. It's never worked before.

Karen said...

I don't know if you are still struggling with your voting decision...but this man's insite summed it up for me...
it was like he was in my head and got through all the yuck. Even though we are all different religions, FOR me it all comes down to LIFE...without it there is nothing else.