Monday, September 29, 2008

So inspiring...

One of the things that I remember most about my mother is seeing her reading. I think she keep desseret book in business buying at least two books every month for years. We have a vast collection of books because of it and I enjoy reading almost all of them. In fact most of the members in our town know of my mother's mini library and used to come over and check out books from her.

So, last night I was looking through the shelves and I came across this book. On the back cover was a picture of the authors with their family. As I looked through the picture I realized that I knew two of them and so I decided to read it. As I read this book each page became more and more personal to me. Each part of the story struck a cord within me and I was amazed at how the story of family a didn't really know could have such a resounding impact on me. Though the story is about the long battle of loosing a loved one to cancer, something I cannot fully relate to, it is also about the joys of adversity. Some of you may think that joy and adversity cannot dwell within the same sphere, but to me it does. I have struggled with much adversity in my life and from it I have learned how much my Heavenly Father really does love and trust me. To quote a passage from the book, "I have a different understanding of adversity now, viewed not with despair or anguish or regret but with confidence that my loving Heavenly Father is earnestly trying to allow me to learn something very important-so important that he is actually willing to let me suffer in order to learn the lesson." These words are so true!

So, if any of you are looking for a great book to read try and find Marathon of Faith, by Rex & Janet Lee. It is such a wonderful book of inspiring faith! I am grateful to the Lee family for sharing their personal experience so that I may be touched and uplifted by it!


ferntyler said...
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ferntyler said...

sorry, my first comment didn't make any sense - I'll have to read that!

3WimmerBoys said...

I often wonder if people outside of my family enjoy this book. It is of course one of my favorites, but you never know. My mom will be flattered to hear you like it, and pleased you related to it. Hope all is going well!

diane said...

I bet Melissa looks cute in that picture.

I want to read that now.