Sunday, May 11, 2008


My Mother was a shining example to me. She was kind. She read her scriptures and said her prayers both day and night. She served both individuals and in her callings with 110% effort all the time. She was a peacemaker. She loved her children even when we made it hard, and we did so regularly. She worked hard at keeping the commandments and other covenants that she made with the Lord. She loved her husband. She taught me many things among which are a love for books and cooking. She always wanted everyone to be happy in their life and in the choices they made. She loved her grandchildren. She was always there at special events when she could be. She was a hard worker. She ran her own answering service and worked 12 hr days five days a week up until the day she died.

I have great memories of my mom, but some of my favorites are hearing her laugh and seeing her holding her brand new grandbabies. She loved new babies. She would hold them on her chest and you could just see a peace come over her and you knew that she was making a special connection with that child. I remember her as my primary teacher. She had such a gift for teaching and every kid in her class loved her lessons(maybe it was the candy she would bring but still she was good). I remember for my first prom, I was a sophmore, I had spent many hours making my dress and it was perfect. Two days before the prom my mother decided to iron it and burnt a hole right on the center of the dress. There was no way it could be hid and so she went over to our neighbors house, who was a pro seamstress, and in two days they recreated my dress. I remember being so mad that she ruined it, but so grateful that she fixed it. I remember when Aysia was born and my mother was there in the hosptial right by my side. Even though the circumstances were not ideal, she was there supporting me in my decision. She was the first one to see and hold Aysia. She sat in the nursery with her until I had recovered from the c-section (about 2hrs after delivery). Because of my mothers actions and support I know whithout a doubt in my heart that she loves me so much and that she loves my children and husband also. So, mom even though you are no longer on this earth your presence is still felt and we love you!!


diane said...

Beautifully written! It must be hard without her. She is so proud of you and the mom and woman you are!

Anonymous said...

I love what you had to say about your mom. It actually made me cry alittle. I know how much you miss her, but remember she is in a much happier and peacefull place. Love ya Jennifer

tawnya said...

I'm here!

ferntyler said...

wow - it is really amazing how powerful memories can be. I can tell what kind of a person she was and get an idea of her spirit just be reading that tribute. I still can not believe you well you handled her death, even though I know it was a hard time for you. You are so strong, just like she was!