Friday, May 30, 2008

Best Day Ever!

I have recently had one of those Ah Hah! moments were I realied the following... Life is all about attitude and if you want to change your life the best way to do so is by changing your attitude about life. So, I have decided to live everyday as if it is the best day ever. This recognition came from watching Sponge Bob, so all you anti-sponge bobers out there you might wanna rethink your feelings about him. I am including the following clip from Sponge Bob that showcases my new attitude and new favorite song!!!


diane said...

The best day ever's gonna last all night! I have chocolate chip cookies on the brain now!

ferntyler said...

were you talking about me as Sponge Bob hater? ok, i can't lie, I don't love Sponge Bob, but how can you not like something titled, "the Best Day Ever". I'm wondering what a video showing your best day ever would look like? his was licking krusty krabby's or whatever.. i'm going to go with mine would be eating coldstone with no calories and reading trashy magazines while the kids had fun at the beach then told me how much they love me :)

The Family Rasheed said...

I forgot that you don't like sponge bob. So, no the comment wasn't originally directed at you, but now that I know how you feel... :)
My next post will include the best day ever for me.

ferntyler said...

i'll admit I'm warming up to Sponge Bob after we got a little paperback book that talks about this dentist visit - anyway, it is really cute, so I guess he's ok.
hey, i saw on your sidebar that you are doing a summer calendar - how fun! i think we are all on our own here this summer.. thursdays at the beach for sure, though :)

Jenna said...

OK, I am not crazy about Sponge Bob but he is really cute on this video. My kids just can't watch him every day - although if Scott had his way...