Friday, May 23, 2008


This term in my sex & gender class we talked a lot about womanly roles. We had a very intense discussion on women working in the home and the workforce at the same time vs. mothers who stay at home with their children. Most of the people in my class are working mothers and so they believed that a woman can be an effective mother and provider at the same time. Last night I was watching Gray's Anatomy and was very impressed when Dr. Bailey had finally "seen the big picture" and realized she couldn't have it all and get 100% out of all of it. It really impressed me that Hollywood finally showed that we have limits and that sometimes the things that are most important in life (families) are not worth loosing to successes in the workplace.

I believe that no achievement in this life will give me more satisfaction than that of being a mother. I would love to go out in the world and help counsel all the psychological disorders out there, but to do so I would have to sacrifice my biggest priority, my children. I am not trying to say that a person is wrong for wanting to make successes outside of the home, everyone has the right to their opinion. All I am saying is that for me, and I wish more women, my role as mother and nurturer is the most gratifying and sustaining job I could ask for. There are two quotes that I love about mothering. One from J. Reuben Clark,

"motherhood is near to divinity, the highest holiest service to be assumed by mankind."

The other from Jane Clayson Johnson,

"The world can only value mothering to the extent that women everywhere stand and declare that it must be so. In our hands we hold the power to transform the perception of motherhood...we should no longer allow a mother to be defined as 'just a mom.' It is on her back that nations are built."

If any of us are doubting our roles as mothers or are, as we all feel from time to time, overwhelmed with this role we have taken on I recommend reading Clayson Johnson's book, I Am A Mother. Motherhood is the most divine calling and I would ask what are we as women and mothers doing to change the perception of mothers in this world? Are we finding joy in our work and showing that joy to others? Or, are we just treading through the muck of daily life? Are we taking on every new day and every new challenge with excitement and inspiration because of the Lord's trust in us as mothers? Or, are we allowing ourselves to feel overwhelmed and exhausted by our challenges? The Lord gives us challenges to show us who we are, are we ready to find out? Sometimes I struggle with these things, but in the end I have realized the joy of discovering just who I am and what I can do as a woman, wife and mother. I am grateful for these discoveries!


ferntyler said...

Great post! I saw that last night, too, and thought it was totally surprising (there were other things in the episode that were also surprising, eek). Anyway, I needed this reminder today because the last 3 days have been scrambling around trying to do the usual school/tap dance, grocery shop, etc. and get ready for Ashley's big birthday party today and I think I lost the big picture, too :)

tawnya said...
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diane said...

Amen sister! We also forget that they are kids for a short time and we have lots of life ahead where we can reinvent ourselves and pursue other interests. I always thought I would go back to work when Brynn started school but life got busy with volunteering, sports, etc. Now that they are leaving I'm so glad I haven't missed a minute of it. I will have plenty of time to do what I want. My baby leaves in 2 years, so weird! I won't even be 50.

Melanie said...

Great post Alisa! A couple of years ago I went to a new doctor. She asked me about my self and my job. I told her that I was a full-time mom to my 4 kids. She paused for a minute and said, "You know, I actually regret becoming a doctor. I wish I had chosen to stay at home and have a big family." I was shocked that she said that so bluntly, but it made me so grateful for the decisions I have made.

You've got a great blog. Thanks for sharing!

Bryn said...

Thanks for the pep talk. I think we all need those reminders. I truly wish I could stay at home... Someday, we keep praying for a way! Every day I am humbled that Heavenly Father believes in me, thinks I am capable to take care of these little ones. Still don't know what He's thinking but grateful for the opportunity, it's been the greatest blessing ever!

Jen said...

I loved this post. Before my trip to Hawaii it seemed I was just treading through the muck. But, once again I realized how wonderful it is to celebrate each new discovery with my babes. I know it won't be long until they are all gone.