Friday, April 11, 2008

Great Food

I have recently been exploring the art of cooking and thought I would share some recipes that I created to see what everyone else thinks. So here is recipe number one. I love pizza and I love tacos. So, when I went to make tacos tonight and realized I didn't have any tortillas on hand I decided to try combining the two. Now, we all know that taco pizza is not a new concept, but here is my new spin on it. Maybe you've already had it this way, but it's different for me.

First I started with making my own crust. Here's the recipe...

1 yeast packet
1cup warm water
1tsp. sugar
1tsp salt
Combine these and then add...
2tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2cups flour
stir til elasticky and smooth and then add
2cups flour
Knead for 5 mins. Put a bit of oil on your hands and smooth around dough. Place dough in oiled bowl and cover with saran wrap. let rise for about 1hr. Punch down the dough and separate into two balls. Roll out onto pizza pans and cook at 375 for 10min. Add toppings and cook an additional 10 mins. This recipe make two medium size crusts
Top pizza crust with salsa, mozzarella cheese, black beans, cooked ground beef (flavored with a guacamole packet), quartered grape tomatoes, & shredded cheddar. after baking top with lettuce of choice.

Ok, so my spin on this pizza is salsa instead of regular pizza sauce, grape tomatoes cause I think they're sweeter, and use a guacamole seasoning packet in the ground beef instead of a taco seasoning packet (it adds a sour creamy flavor and its not as spicey as reg. taco seasoning which keeps it from competing with the other flavors).


diane said...

This looks and sounds yummy! I like the idea of the guacamole packet seasoning the meat.

ferntyler said...

I don't think i've ever seen the guacomole packet, i'm going to have to look for that because I haven't ever made taco pizza, but it looks good! I love seeing people's ideas for dinners, so keep em coming...