Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Posting and comments

At the risk of sounding completely silly and sad I have a secret to share. I love when people comment on my postings. In fact it makes me feel quite special. you know, like someone really cares about what I think and is interested in who I am/what I do. So, I have been looking back on my posts to see which one's yielded the highest comment return. I have also been looking at other people's posts to see their rate of comment return. I thought that posting something that had a deeper more thought provoking theme would encourage my friends to respond. Some did, but others didn't, which is fine. I have learned one thing, the funner, cuter posts get better responces. So, from now on I have pledged to make my blog funner and cuter to hopefully encourage more comments since I love them so much.


Blair Family Blog said...

Hi Rasheed Family. Thanks for the invite to view your family blog. I feel like I'm the last person on earth not to have one. I guess I will have to change that. I loved your comment about Skype. We're moving to HAWAII in June and video conferencing will really make a difference to our family and friends who we won't get to see as often. Thanks for the tip!!

Miss you!

tawnya said...

Hmmm. Maybe that's my REAL problem. I'm just not fun! Hee!

ferntyler said...

The comments are one of the things I like most about blogging - I don't get a ton either, but the ones I get usually make me smile because I think that is where people really are themselves and crack me up! I think the main reason people don't comment on deep ones is that you have to really put time into the thought and come up with a thoughtful response and I know I usually only have about 5 minutes for a comment/blog read (wish I could spend more, but you gotta draw the line somewhere, right?) I look forward to more hilarious, cute posts (or just more about what is going on in your life - those are my favorite :))

diane said...

I like any and all of your posts. So weird that I know more about you now than I did after the ward split!