Sunday, June 15, 2008

the cutest thing

Saturday morning Aqeel left for work at 8:30. He had gotten Jr out of bed and fed him before he left and then gave him to me with Jr's fav dvd. So, I continued to sleep while Jr watched his movie on the laptop next to me in bed waiting for the girls to wake me up. I assumed I would be woken within the next 20-30 mins. However to my surprise I awoke at 10:30 with Jr still in the bed next to me. I went out into the living room and found Amaya dressed and watching a movie. I proceeded to the kitchen where I found Aysia making scrambled eggs for everyone. She had also made sure that she and Amaya had taken their showers and gotten dressed for the day. Needless to say I was pleasently shocked! I mean I knew aysia was growing up, but wow! I was so pleased and loved every minute to her grown up attitude. It is moments like this that show me I am doing the right things with my children.


ferntyler said...

that is hilarious! seriously it isn't long before our kids are babysitting for other people, weird!

Jenna said...

10:30 - amazing! I can't even imagine sleeping until then. Ryan comes & stands in my doorway & breathes deeply until I wake up. He wakes up very early & gets his day going. He wakes me up when he gets bored.

Melanie said...

Yeah! It is a wonderful thing when your kids are old enough (and responsible enough!) to start taking care of themselves and others.

diane said...

Oh they get major points for that! Maybe Aysia can teach my kids to make scrambled eggs. I used to have to pay mine to watch the little ones so I could sleep.