Sunday, June 15, 2008

Tribute to Dads

Every Mother's Day there is an overwhelming amount of praise and gratitude given to mother's and women around the world. Then Father's Day comes and we say thanks, but it seems the same praise and gratitude is not given to men as women. So, for this blog I am doing so.

In praising father's I must start with my own. My dad is a fun dad. Growing up he always took us camping. This became one of my favorite activities and though I haven't been in years it is still something I get excited about. My dad was the man who taught me to start fires while camping, change oil in the car, fix leaks, and pretty much anything that had any mechanical aspect. He took us to Wallowa lake to feed the deer and ride the go-karts and bumper boats. He taught me to have a tough skin and brave the cruelty of this world. He showed me by example how to follow the commandments and not to stray from them. He taught me to swim, by throwing me in, ride a bike, and set up a tent. Through all of the practical knowledge I gained from my father I also learned about trust and love. My father was and is a great man! He is loving, kind, and generous. Here a pic of me with my dad...

The other man I would like to mention is my husband, Aqeel. He is a wonderful father. He has the right mixture of stearness and compassion for our children. He loves them and is interested in their interests. He finds time everyday to have a connection with them even if it's just over a bowl of cereal. He is a wonderful, patient teacher. He is the one who taught Aysia and Amaya to write their names and recognize their ABC's. He has also taught them how to empty the dishwasher, sweep the floor, and pull weeds among many other things. He has also helped to take care of them by bathing them and getting the clothed and off to school in the morning. I know that if I ever needed to be away he could handle the children as good or even better than I. There would be no running around crazy and eating out of the pizza box if he were in control! He has great potential to be the closest to perfect that a father can be and I know he will reach that potential! Here is Aqeel with the kids...

Working with Aysia in the yard

Playing in the backyard


Jenna said...

Nice tributes to both.

The path looks great - we are thinking of doing a patio under our deck with stones like that.

diane said...

Now Aqueel can teach them to fill the dishwasher and do laundry!
He is a good dad and a great man!