Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Shoesday Tribute - What NOT to wear

Ok, so my husband comes home from Wal-Mart a couple of weeks ago with these brown Dr. Schols loafers for work. They didn't look bad, but I could tell they were cheap. He said they are the most comfortable shoes ever for standing around in. He is a car salesman (temporarily) and dresses in slacks, a dress shirt and tie. So, he mentioned that he needed a pair in black. Dr. Shoals didn't make the loafer in black so he was gonna try another pair. This is what he came home with....

notice the wholes in the leather (like a sneaker)

I could not believe he was serious, but he was. I tried to convice him to let me find another pair that was equally as comfortable. I left at 12 last night in search of a pair and came back with two, one being a Dr. Schols pair. He tried on both this morning and left for work with the "short bus shoes" on. Seriously, sometimes I am just embarrased for him!


diane said...

I love the velcro straps, for people who are 80 and have arthritis. Seriously, Aqeel!

diane said...

Short bus crack me up!

tawnya said...

Oh, my. Shoes for Isaac are a constant source of frustration for me, but now I see I have it good!

(I'm seriously cracking up)

ferntyler said...

I think Robie is actually thinking the same of me in my same Doc martens that I have been wearing for like 10 years. I have been branching out pretty well for church and going out, but I just can't ditch those comfy shoes for every day wear! You go Aqeel!