Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wisdom Wednesday

On the sidewalks in our downtown area are marble spots with writings. I found this bit of wisdom on one that I really liked...

Common sense is genius in working clothes. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, July 28, 2008

I am stealing an idea

My super smart and completely cool friend Diane does themed posts throughout the week on her blog. Since I am having a hard time thinking of interesting things to write frequently I decided that a few themed days may help out my blog. So, this what I came up with...

Manic Mondays - where I write about crazy and chaotic happenings
Wisdom Wednesdays - where I write the smartest sounding thing I heard or came across that day.
Fond Memory Friday - where I will obviously be sharing a fond memory.

I hope these things will be of interest to all my faithful readers and also help satisfy my blog addicted friends!!

Manic Monday - cell phones

I don't know why but I have the hardest time keeping a cell phone. I don't loose them. I wash them or get them wet by some other means and they stop working. In the past two years I have gone through four phones. Three have gone through the washing machine and the other got wet when the girls did the dishes. So, today I should be recieving my phone replacement. I am excited to get a new phone, but I feel like I have lost my whole life since everything was on my other phone.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Amaya being, well Amaya

Today Amaya saw me naked and asked..."Mom, why are your boobs long and hangy?" I don't know what Amaya's boob obsession is, but she sure put me in my place with that one (not that I needed to be put there or anything).

sick of being sick

So, being pregnant sucks for me right now. With everything that is going on in our life I don't have the time to be nauseous, but I am. This means that life is a struggle, but I believe that if it isn't hard than it isn't worth it. Although I believe this it does not always make things easier, but I do try to keep that mentality otherwise I would just loose it. Anyway, I am so surprised at how draining this pregnancy is. It has really made me realize that I am not a young person anymore and that aging is happening to me. This is not something I am affraid of, rather it is something that I didn't think was really happening. I have been living my life secure in the fact that aging was easy and doesn't really have an affect on me. I guess I now see that I was wrong. (it's a good thing that I can admit that to myself, right??!!)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Another infamous quote

Amaya said today, "Fishy candys are a guaranteed treat!!!." She was refering to sweedish fish a new fav of ours.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

getting the house ready

In anticipation of our move we have decided to rent our house out. We met with the ReMax prop. manager last week and he told us we needed to paint some of the walls. When we moved in most of the walls were still covered in the cheap construction grade flat white paint. We have learned over the past year that this paint does not wipe clean without removing paint. So, there are hand prints, smudges, and some coloring crayon on the walls that we need to cover. The prop. manager also said that we should get it done quickly so that when people came to see the house there wouldn't be things still left to do. So, since Aqeel is working 60hrs a week selling cars and I am pregnant we decided to hire a painting outfit to get the job done. For $700 we will get the entry way, upstairs hall, staircase, Amaya's room, Jr's room, and the dinning room done all in just 2 days at the most! That only leaves one and a half bathrooms that Aqeel will have to do on his days off. The painter's will come tomorrow. I am glad that we chose to hire someone instead of having the stress of getting it done SLOWLY over the next month.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

AAAGGGHHHH, kids!!!!

Today I was informed that there was a pool of water around the freezer in the garage and that everything was "unfrozen". I realized that the children, who were getting popsicles out of the freezer yesterday afternoon, had left the door open! I can't tell you how many times this has happened! I am so annoyed with it I might just get a lock put on it!!!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

I have funny kids

This is what Amaya said today "Boobs get big from sweating."


Ok, so I didn't word the pregnancy prompting very well in my other posting. Aqeel and I have had that prompting for about a month it was just reiterated at the temple. For us it does seem to happen quickly. I think it's because we always wait for the Lord to tell us it's time. This way we don't have to wait around for it to happen cause the timing is already right. Or maybe I am just in too much denial to admit that we need to have another child. I have always said that I would never want to leave one of my children up in heaven and miss out on an opportunity to bring that child here to earth to be with his/her family. So, yes I am announcing I am pregnant but I am only about 4 weeks along so we will see if I make it to the second trimester. If my sickness is any indicator I should carry full term. I hope that helps clarify.

p.s. Liz and Jenna that means I will need lots of help getting ready for my move so don't be shocked if I call for something!!!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

fun trivia!

My sis-in-law sent me this and it was fun to do with Aqeel. So, I tag anyone who wants to have fun!

How long have you been together?
Aqeel - 6 years
Alisa - 7 years (I count our dating and engagement, obviously Aqeel doesn't. Maybe I should wonder about why, but really who cares!)

How long did you date?
Aqeel - 1 year
Alisa - 3 months, engaged for another 8.

Who eats more?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - Me

Who said "I love you" first?
Aqeel - Lisa
Alisa - Me! I knew I could marry Aqeel by the first few instant message session we had.

Who is taller?
Aqeel - me
Alisa - Aqeel, but not by much

Who sings better?
Aqeel - Lisa
Alisa - Definitly me.

Who is smarter?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - Is this a trick question?????

Who does the laundry?
Aqeel - right now i do.
Alisa - Aqeel and soon our house keeper (I know that's sad, but hey I'm prego)

Who does the dishes?
Aqeel - i do.
Alisa - Aqeel or Aysia

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Aqeel - dido
Alisa - From the lying down perspective Aqeel. If your looking at the bed me.

Who pays the bills?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - Aqeel pays them I just make sure our creditors receive them.

Who mows the lawn?
Aqeel - i do.
Alisa - Aqeel

Who cooks dinner?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - Me when I'm not sick other wise pizza hut or Chin Chin

Who is more stubborn?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - We are both pretty stubborn

Who kissed who first?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - I drove us to the look out and Aqeel got the party started!

Who asked who out first?
Aqeel - i have no idea
Alisa - Me.

Who proposed?
Aqeel - neither
Alisa - Um, there really was no proposal and it's kind a sore subject for me.

Who is more sensitive?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - Me!!!!!!!

Who has more friends?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - ME!!!!!

Who has more siblings?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - Me.

Who wears the pants in the relationship?
Aqeel - i do
Alisa - We both do.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I can't believe I forgot

I ran my first race and forgot to post about it. On June 21st I ran a 5k for the first time in my life without any training! I was so proud of myself for just being able to run the whole thing. Before the 5k they had a one mile family fun run/walk so Aysia did it with me. It was a lot of fun and we finished the mile in 11mins. I should say that running/walking the 11 min mile with aysia is my fastest time yet for a mile. So, I finished the 5k in just under 45mins. That's like 14 and some odd mins a mile. Not a good time, but I did it!!! Here's a pic of Aysia and I in line for our run/walk to start...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

SOOO Thankful!!!!

Today Aqeel and I went to the Atlanta temple. As many of you know we have been struggling to find Aqeel a "real" job for about five months now. During this time I have felt very in the dark regarding direction from Heavenly Father. It seemed that every time Aqeel and I prayed for an answer we never got anything concrete and no job leads were coming. Over this last weekend we held a family fast, which included all of my siblings and parents to help Aqeel find a job that would we sufficient for our needs. When we were in the temple today we finally received revelation on what path to take. I have never been more excited and overwhelmed! We decided that Aqeel needs to go back to school and get his MBA instead of getting a "real" job. We also received revelation that we needed to move back to La Grande in order to do this!!! This was the exciting part for me cause that is where all my family is. I have never been more thankful for receiving direction in my life. I am so grateful for the blessings of the temple and how close you can feel to the spirit while you are there. So, now the next revelation, this is the overwhelming part....we are to start making a baby. My reply was WHAT????? Honestly never, I mean NEVER tell the Lord you are done having children. I have made that mistake twice in my life and both time Heavenly father's reply was "Oh, yeah. Let's see what you think about this." The first time I said I was done with babies was a few months before I started receiving inspiration telling my to procreate and as a result we had Jr. I have recently made this statement again and now the Lord reveals to me that we are not yet done making babies. So, I guess it's a blessing to be going back to La Grande because I will have my Dad and Stepmom who can take care of me during my first trimester of utter sickness.

Again, I will say how thankful I am to have a relationship with my Father in Heaven and the gift of the Holy Ghost so that I can know what the Lord would have us do.

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July

I should write something awesome about our freedoms and independence, but I'm not gonna. 4th of July reminds me of my mom. I think it's because she died the day before. I can still remember the first 4th of July after my mom died. It was so surreal, but I felt her sitting right beside me as I watched the fireworks. I could hear her saying as she always did, "wow, look at that one," or "I like that one the best." For the past two years I can still hear her making comments and it brings a mix of emotions for me. First missing her, but then excitment because I too look at the fireworks with the same awe she did. I look around and see my children staring at the explosions with amazement and wonder on their faces and wonder if my mom ever did the same with me and my siblings. I see her sitting in the church parking lot(where we watched the fireworks every year)in her lawn chair with a blanket on her lap. She made the 4th of July so much fun for us. I miss her, but I know that she is not far.