Saturday, July 12, 2008


Ok, so I didn't word the pregnancy prompting very well in my other posting. Aqeel and I have had that prompting for about a month it was just reiterated at the temple. For us it does seem to happen quickly. I think it's because we always wait for the Lord to tell us it's time. This way we don't have to wait around for it to happen cause the timing is already right. Or maybe I am just in too much denial to admit that we need to have another child. I have always said that I would never want to leave one of my children up in heaven and miss out on an opportunity to bring that child here to earth to be with his/her family. So, yes I am announcing I am pregnant but I am only about 4 weeks along so we will see if I make it to the second trimester. If my sickness is any indicator I should carry full term. I hope that helps clarify.

p.s. Liz and Jenna that means I will need lots of help getting ready for my move so don't be shocked if I call for something!!!!!


Todd and Camille Hendrickson said...

Congratulations! What if you have six more waiting up there Lisa??

ferntyler said...

good thing you clarified, because I totally missed that one (until I read your last post with the housekeeper comment :)).. congrats! You are such a great mom, you just have to have more kids :)

Jenna said...

That's what friends do - right? Call away girlfriend.

diane said...

Yeah! You have such cute kids!!

Liz said...

I can pack boxes, I can watch kids, I can make cookies, I can listen, I can sympathize with morning sickness, I can do lots of things!! Call if you need me!!

Melanie said...

Wonderful news! Thanks for making it crystal clear since I missed your announcement.

Jen said...

Congratulations!! You guys are great parents and your kids are so adorable. So I think you should keep them coming!!

Brandy said...

Congrats you guy's!!! That's so awesome. I'm sorry about the sickness I so know how you feel and it sucks, especially when you have little ones to take care of and all you want to do is stay in bed. I hope it all passes quickly.