Tuesday, July 8, 2008

SOOO Thankful!!!!

Today Aqeel and I went to the Atlanta temple. As many of you know we have been struggling to find Aqeel a "real" job for about five months now. During this time I have felt very in the dark regarding direction from Heavenly Father. It seemed that every time Aqeel and I prayed for an answer we never got anything concrete and no job leads were coming. Over this last weekend we held a family fast, which included all of my siblings and parents to help Aqeel find a job that would we sufficient for our needs. When we were in the temple today we finally received revelation on what path to take. I have never been more excited and overwhelmed! We decided that Aqeel needs to go back to school and get his MBA instead of getting a "real" job. We also received revelation that we needed to move back to La Grande in order to do this!!! This was the exciting part for me cause that is where all my family is. I have never been more thankful for receiving direction in my life. I am so grateful for the blessings of the temple and how close you can feel to the spirit while you are there. So, now the next revelation, this is the overwhelming part....we are to start making a baby. My reply was WHAT????? Honestly never, I mean NEVER tell the Lord you are done having children. I have made that mistake twice in my life and both time Heavenly father's reply was "Oh, yeah. Let's see what you think about this." The first time I said I was done with babies was a few months before I started receiving inspiration telling my to procreate and as a result we had Jr. I have recently made this statement again and now the Lord reveals to me that we are not yet done making babies. So, I guess it's a blessing to be going back to La Grande because I will have my Dad and Stepmom who can take care of me during my first trimester of utter sickness.

Again, I will say how thankful I am to have a relationship with my Father in Heaven and the gift of the Holy Ghost so that I can know what the Lord would have us do.


melissa said...

wow that's ambitious a new baby and a new home! We military wives just love adventure don't we!

diane said...

Oh, I hope Jordan gets to La Grande! How cool would that be?! Good luck with all your transitions!!

Jenna said...

I am excited for you but selfishly sad that you are going to be leaving! Happy baby-project. Sounds like you have a big adventure ahead of you.

ferntyler said...

WOW! that is so exciting when it is clear what you need to do, I'm so happy you got some clear direction (although it would have been nice if you were coming back here, ha ha). More details (on the move, not the baby making. .ha haa)

Liz said...

Where is La Grande??? I get the feeling it is NOT is SC!! I don't want you to move (whine, whine), we're just getting to be friends!! On the other hand, how wonderful to receive concrete answers to prayers. I am thrilled for you both. As far as having more babies....well, I think you should have lots, because you two make really cute babies!!

Brandy said...

I love your blog posts there so spiritual AND inspirational.
I hope everything goes well with deciding to move, and for Aqeel.
As far as more babies go your so much braver than me. I get deathly ill too, and don't dare yet ask if I'm suppose to have more. As a matter of fact I may never ask :-)

Take care!

Todd and Camille Hendrickson said...

Lisa! I was so hoping my "fasting & praying" would move you up here! So Aqeel when you are done with school there you are coming over here, right? I gonna go have a talk with the Lord right now....
As for the baby making I'm so excited to have another niece or nephew added...somebody ought to keep it going!

tawnya said...

Even if it's not Portland I'm still a little envious of the move to Oregon!