Friday, July 11, 2008

fun trivia!

My sis-in-law sent me this and it was fun to do with Aqeel. So, I tag anyone who wants to have fun!

How long have you been together?
Aqeel - 6 years
Alisa - 7 years (I count our dating and engagement, obviously Aqeel doesn't. Maybe I should wonder about why, but really who cares!)

How long did you date?
Aqeel - 1 year
Alisa - 3 months, engaged for another 8.

Who eats more?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - Me

Who said "I love you" first?
Aqeel - Lisa
Alisa - Me! I knew I could marry Aqeel by the first few instant message session we had.

Who is taller?
Aqeel - me
Alisa - Aqeel, but not by much

Who sings better?
Aqeel - Lisa
Alisa - Definitly me.

Who is smarter?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - Is this a trick question?????

Who does the laundry?
Aqeel - right now i do.
Alisa - Aqeel and soon our house keeper (I know that's sad, but hey I'm prego)

Who does the dishes?
Aqeel - i do.
Alisa - Aqeel or Aysia

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Aqeel - dido
Alisa - From the lying down perspective Aqeel. If your looking at the bed me.

Who pays the bills?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - Aqeel pays them I just make sure our creditors receive them.

Who mows the lawn?
Aqeel - i do.
Alisa - Aqeel

Who cooks dinner?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - Me when I'm not sick other wise pizza hut or Chin Chin

Who is more stubborn?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - We are both pretty stubborn

Who kissed who first?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - I drove us to the look out and Aqeel got the party started!

Who asked who out first?
Aqeel - i have no idea
Alisa - Me.

Who proposed?
Aqeel - neither
Alisa - Um, there really was no proposal and it's kind a sore subject for me.

Who is more sensitive?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - Me!!!!!!!

Who has more friends?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - ME!!!!!

Who has more siblings?
Aqeel - my wife
Alisa - Me.

Who wears the pants in the relationship?
Aqeel - i do
Alisa - We both do.


diane said...

Ok, did you just announce your pregnancy?!? Are you really?!?

tawnya said...

Seriously? Pregnant? It went from that to that way quick!

Jenna said...

Too much fun. Congrats - that was fast!

Liz said...

How fun!! And way to go getting busy on following the inspiration you received in the temple! At this rate you'll be moved and Aqeel will have his MBA by the end of the summer!

ferntyler said...

I love liz's comment - hilarious, but true, talk about effectively following an inspiration :)