Tuesday, July 22, 2008

sick of being sick

So, being pregnant sucks for me right now. With everything that is going on in our life I don't have the time to be nauseous, but I am. This means that life is a struggle, but I believe that if it isn't hard than it isn't worth it. Although I believe this it does not always make things easier, but I do try to keep that mentality otherwise I would just loose it. Anyway, I am so surprised at how draining this pregnancy is. It has really made me realize that I am not a young person anymore and that aging is happening to me. This is not something I am affraid of, rather it is something that I didn't think was really happening. I have been living my life secure in the fact that aging was easy and doesn't really have an affect on me. I guess I now see that I was wrong. (it's a good thing that I can admit that to myself, right??!!)


Jenna said...

Oh bummer - sorry that you are sick! When I get back from our trip out west, I can help you get ready to leave.

Hope you feel better soon.

ferntyler said...

that sucks you are so sick, I wish I could say you will feel better tomorrow, but you probably have a little while - just keep going! - I am constantly reminded of things that me feel older, which is totally odd, since I still think of myself as like 28

diane said...

Sorry sweetie! Go put your feet up!

Laura said...

I'm so sorry, I wish I could be there to help. I totally admire your willingness to "go there" again. You're attitude is great, keep your chin up!

Liz said...

Some parts of being pregnant are no fun!! I hope your girls are helping out, and that you feel better soon!

Jen said...

The things mom's go through...so not fun. I hope you feel better soon. I am still in denial of my ever growing age!

Bryn said...
