Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Amaya being, well Amaya

Today Amaya saw me naked and asked..."Mom, why are your boobs long and hangy?" I don't know what Amaya's boob obsession is, but she sure put me in my place with that one (not that I needed to be put there or anything).


ferntyler said...

why can't our kids just say "wow, how come those are so perfectly round and perky"... even if it's not true

Jenna said...

too funny - my boys get so embarassed about everything right now - i think they wouldn't dare say a word.

Todd and Camille Hendrickson said...

Do your boobs hang low, do they wobble too and fro? sorry i can't remember the rest of the song...something about being able to tie em in a knot or throw them over your shoulder...at least i can.