Monday, September 1, 2008

Manic Monday - 4-Wheelers

Ok, so another low point...

Two days after we arrived in La Grande I decided to take my kids for a ride on Granpa's new 4-wheeler. You must understand that in my lifetime I have driven and riden on many a 4-wheeler, but never an automatic 8-cyl one. So, with all the kids in tow and Aqeel at the college siging up for school, we loaded onto the 4-wheeler and over to the empty field at the end of our block. The first couple trips around the field were fun and pretty uneventful so I decided to let Aysia drive. She got in the front and drove the rest of us around the field about 2x. Then it was Amaya's turn. We were facing a neighbor's horse pasture and Amaya pushed on the throttle and would not let go. I panicked as I saw the barbed wire fence and fence post right in front of us and froze. In my mind I was thinking "take her hand off the throttle" but I just froze. So, we easily porceeded through the fence. Next in our path were two horses. Again panicking I decided to try to turn. This resulted in me flipping the 4-wheeler 1 and 1/2 turns. The children were all ok except a few small bruises and scrapes. I however hit the manure and kept slidding for about 2-3feet. When I finaly came to a stop I tried to get up, but couldn't. For some reason my whole left side was numb and I couldn't breathe easily. Out of nowhere a man and his wife came running to our aide. They called the ambulance and I decided to explore my injuries. My upper right arm was extremely swollen and I was sure it was either broken or I had a dislocated shoulder. My right leg was painfully sore, but I couldn't sit up to look at it. Aysia ran back to Granpa's and fetched my brother Jaime who called Aqeel. The ambulance then arrived and strapped me to the transport bed and Aqeel and Jamie were able to give me a blessing before the ambulance pulled off. I was covered from head to toe in dirt and manure and earned the top award for dirtiest patient to ever enter the ER!!! The doctor cleared me for any neck, head,or back injuries and I went back for x-rays. The x-ray tech was so nice and gentle and found a broken humurous on my right side. For those of you who don't know bones, this is the bone between the shoulder and elbow. The ER doc put my arm in a splint and sent me off with some oxycodine and a referal to the orthopedic Dr for further assesment. The only wound to my leg was a punture wound from the barbed wire for which I was treated with a tetnus shot and bandage.

Four days later I met with Dr. Warren who placed me in a plastic hydrolic arm brace. This brace squeezes the arm to lengthen it and allow the bones to reset and heal naturally. It was pretty painful at first, but now (1 week later) I have no pain and mobility in my hand and forearm. According to the Dr. I will be in this dumb thing for "months" so we will see how this whole recovery thing goes. One benefit is that I no longer have to change diapers as I am unable to do so with only one fully functioning arm!!!!! Poor Aqeel has been so accomodating and has completely taken over as mother & father for our family. I am sooo lucky to have him around!!!


Laura said...

My dear, I am so glad you are (relatively)ok! That's a crazy story. I'm assuming you are grounded from 4 wheelers for a good ammount of time now. How's the pregnancy going?

ferntyler said...

holy cow - I almost forgot you were pregnant, seriously, how did that work with the 4 wheel accident? that is so crazy - have the kids take a picture of you and the brace, sounds like quite a contraption!

diane said...

Wow! Never a dull moment. I love your attitude, looking on the bright side of no diaper changes. Wishing you a speedy, painless recovery.

The Family Rasheed said...

how could I forget about the baby??? The baby is fine. Since I am only 14 weeks my body protected the baby quite well. Also I think I did most of my falling and sliding on my right side anyway so the baby didn't take a direct hit.

tawnya said...

Oh, geez! I'm so glad you are ok!

Jenna said...

Egads! I am so glad that you are okay. When I broke my hand, I read about eating lots of fresh pineapple - I swear it really helped the achiness better than ibuprofen even. Yea for Aqeel taking over - you have a great husband.

Todd and Camille Hendrickson said...

Wow Lisa! Have you ever broken any other bones or is this the first? What about ambulance ride? I'm glad it wasn't worse and you get out of diaper duty!

Liz said...

WHAT WERE YOU DOING ON A 4-WHEELER WITH 3 LITTLE KIDS AND AN UNBORN BABY!!! (sorry for yelling, that was the 'mother' in me) I am SO glad that you and the kids are all okay. I guess that Amaya is grounded from driving and that it's time to potty train Jr!! Hopefully, with the blessing, you will heal quickly. I'm glad you're surrounded by family to help out. Be careful, girl!!

The Family Rasheed said...

Camille - to answer your question thisisactually the 4th time I have broken a bone the three other times consiquently involved the same arm! Isn't life crazy???

Sunshine said...

How scary! I'm glad you are semi-okay...I guess it could have been much worse! Also, I'm glad you are back!

Brandy said...

Wow crazy story!!! Thanks for mentioning the unborn babe I was worried. I hope you heal fast and I'm glad your all O.K.

Anonymous said...

Long time no talk to! Just thuoght I'd peak at your blog today and yikes! a very exciting few months I guess. Make sure you don't take that oxycodine oh pregnant one.

Jen said...

I am so SORRY!! I have been out of touch and am just getting around to catching up on everyone's blogs..I am glad that everyone is ok, especially the little bun in the oven. Hopefully your recovery will be quick. Hang in there!!