Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wisdom Wednesday - Changing schools

Lat night was Parent's Night at Aysia's school. We had a good time seeing her classroom and meeting her teacher. However, looking over her class work was a different experience. Aysia has done really badly with math concepts here. These are the same math concepts that while in 1st grade in San Diego she had mastered. It occurred to me last night that while in South Carolina she didn't bring home a whole lot of math homework and definitely not a lot that had to do with memorization of addition and subtraction tables. So, now that she is here and the curriculum is centered more around math and reading/writing she is not doing so well. This has made me really regret the fact that we have moved our kids around so much. Aysia has lost so much in the year that we spent in South Carolina and it really makes me question why??? Is it because the curriculum isn't as advanced? Maybe the fact that she had such a young teacher had something to do with it??? Maybe it's just been the crazy summer we have had??? I don't know the real answer but it has certainly posed an issue for us. Also, Amaya has started kindergarten and we have learned that she needs extended day kindergarten to help her catch up to the rest of her class. I know that Amaya has fallen under the curse of the middle child. We did not work with her at home on memorizing the alphabet, beginning to learn to read, or even writing and so she is a bit behind. This whole experience, maybe these are the prego hormones talking, has really made me feel like I have done a true disservice to my children academically. I know I shouldn't really worry because Aysia will remember and catch on quickly. Amaya will catch on also. After all she isn't the only one in her class that is behind and she is only in kindergarten. So, I guess my words of wisdom for today would be to be engaged in your children's learning both in school and before school starts.


Jenna said...

School SCHMOOL. Ryan lost a bit when we moved here - he was 3-1/2 & already starting to read in preschool. (His teacher was a former 1st grade teacher & knew lots of tricks.) BY the time he left preschool here, he didn't even know all of the letters of the alphabet. We had also moved, abandoned friends, gained a new baby & moved into a new house. He has caught up & is just fine now.

I think that the schools in SC eventually mostly catch up but that kindergarten & first grade are kind of catch-up years for all of the kids who have never been to preschool at all. You are lucky that you are somewhere with a great educational system. I have finally resigned myself to the education that my kids will be able to get here. They don't really know any other way. Maybe college will be rough for them as freshmen, but I went to a not-so-great school & I turned out fine. I think great parents can help. Sorry to have hijacked your post.

Melanie said...

Alisa, you're right. Your girls will catch on quickly and all will be well. In my experience, kids seem to learn in leaps and bounds instead of through steady progress. In other words, they may seem to not make much progress for awhile and then all of a sudden you'll see a huge jump in their abilities. It is exciting to see them learn. Your children are blessed to have a such a good mom who is focused on their education!

Todd and Camille Hendrickson said...

I felt exactly the same with Hyrum and Heber. A lot of the kids their age had been in pre-school since they were potty trained and I felt like a bad mom for not drilling my kids all day long. Hyrum struggled...simple solution: Glasses! I was amazed by his progress after that. Heber had a rough start in Kindergarten but reads and writes well. Now Heath is a struggle because he gets easily frustrated and ruins his homework....much patience is required! Todd has much more patience and I am so grateful for that.

diane said...

Brynn was a late bloomer with academics. She needed reading glasses. She was on target by fourth grade.
She is taking AP English, Physics and Trig this year. She got straight A's last year.
Your girls will be fine because you care and are aware.

Liz said...

I messed Sam and Peter up academically by homeschooling them until high school. I messed up my other kids by NOT homeschooling them. You'll always feel like you've done SOMETHING wrong as a mother. Don't sweat it, I'm sure they'll be just fine, and you'll survive it, too!

Liz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Liz said...

(the above deleted comment was mine, I accidently hit the 'publish comment' button twice and posted the same thing again, sorry!)

3WimmerBoys said...

Here is my thought, everyone develops at different speeds and in different stages. I was so worried when Carter didn't know his colors as early as Jacob did (second child thing), but he is a far better reader than Jacob was at this stage. They will all catch up, just be glad you are in a good school where they are being pushed. It will be good for them in the long run. Your girls are WAY smart anyway, I remember Aysia writing her name at my house and being worried about Jacob because he didn't even know his letters. Good luck at the new school!