Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Just thinking...

A lot of things have been bouncing around in my mind lately and I haven't posted because I don't want to bore anyone, but I feel guilty for not posting so here goes...

1. I have NO idea who to vote for or even which party to subscribe too. I have previously leaned towards Obama, but Democrats are in favor of such things as abortion and legalizing homosexual marriage. Since I know the difference between right and wrong shouldn't I stand up for things that are right? If I vote in favor of a democrat aren't I voting for abortion and gay marriage???

2. What makes someone who has been a member for years, married in the temple, and had both kids baptized fall away from the church??? Recently I found out that my cousin did this and I am in shock. There was no offense that occurred. She merely stopped believing and now is opposed to her boys having the priesthood. I don't understand, but also don't want to offend her by asking. So sad...

3. Is there a right way to tell someone you love that they need marital counseling and a closer relationship with the Savior without sounding "holier than thou"? Another cousin of mine and close friend is having real problems in her marriage and from what I can see the only way to fix it is through therapy and the atonement. How do I tell her that without offending her and is it even my place to say anything? She talks with me a lot about her problems, but is that license to say what I really think even though it may sound harsh???

So, these are just some thoughts and I would LOVE any and all opinions on these. Please feel free to share without judgment.


Amber said...

I think that if you have the Holy Ghost to guide you in what to say to your cousin, it won't sound as though you are above her. Maybe she really needs someone to tell her the truth to help motivate her to make the changes she needs. If your honest with her, she'll know she has your support in those efforts. Just my thoughts!

diane said...

1. This one is easy... McCain. I have to vote for those who are socially and fiscally conservative.
2. Unconditional love is the best thing you can do for her. I would ask her but that's just me.
3.I think you can suggest counseling. Merrilee wrote a book on marriage with a humorous slant. It's called Strangling Your Husband is not an Option. It's available at Deseret book or amazon. It might be a good place to start.

You have a good heart.

tawnya said...

1. Diane's right. This one is easy. Obama! (hee!) I view it as I need to vote who is closest to the issues that concern ME most knowing that no candidate will be 100%. For me, it's Obama. Others will come up with their own "most importants" and vote accordingly. (But then, I view abortion a little differently as most members, so voting someone who won't repeal roe v wade is important to me)

2. Just listen and be who you are. Example is best.

3. From experience? No. You need to be careful. I cut out all people who "meddled" in my marriage. It wasn't right or logical or anything, but the last thing I wanted in the face of a failing marriage was friends and family reminding me that I was screwing it all up. Pray and get guidance, but tread very carefully with this one. Just remember - EVERYTHING sounds holier than thou when someone is struggling whether it is or not.

Anonymous said...

1.I didn't want to vote for anyone until Palin joined McCain.

2.It was hard for me to understand for a long time why people I personally knew in the church quit, gave in or up. Some I know are seriously struggling and it is sad. I just could not understand it. Then God gave me a few lessons to struggle with. I came to the crossroad and had to make a choice about who's side I was on. To some there is no black and white anymore, just so many shades of gray.

Liz said...

I don't give unsolicited advice (yeah, right..) but since you asked..
1. Yes, a vote for Obama is a vote for gay marriage and abortion. I will NOT be voting Obama (though my oldest daughter is a die-hard Obama fan)
2. I think complacency makes people fall away. They don't stay as involved as they should, or maybe there is a 'situation' and you are just unaware. Could she have been offended by someone/something?
3. It sounds to me (great expert that I am) that she just needs someone to listen. She's talking to you about her problems, but is she asking for advice? If not, just continue to love & listen. I like Diane's idea about the book though, maybe you could just happen to have it on your counter or something next time your cousin is over! I know that any time I want my kids to read something I pretend that I am reading it and then leave it out on the kitchen table.
Hope this helps!

Todd and Camille Hendrickson said...

I am a fan of Glenn Beck and hearing the issues on his show.
I love that you care so much about others. Keeping praying for them.