Tuesday, July 15, 2008

AAAGGGHHHH, kids!!!!

Today I was informed that there was a pool of water around the freezer in the garage and that everything was "unfrozen". I realized that the children, who were getting popsicles out of the freezer yesterday afternoon, had left the door open! I can't tell you how many times this has happened! I am so annoyed with it I might just get a lock put on it!!!!!


Jenna said...

Eeeew - that's horrible! at least you caught it within a day. I'll spare you Scott's worst-job-ever story since you're pregnant.

Liz said...

A lock is a great idea....until you have to go unlock it every 5 minutes so they can get a popsicle. I'm sorry that happened, though. I can think of lots more fun things to do than spend the afternoon cleaning up 'unfrozen' popsicles!

diane said...

I hate when that happens! Freezer lock or lock up the kids.

ferntyler said...

I say lock up the kids, ha ha.. good one Diane :) That sucks, but thank goodness it was in the garage and not ruining the floor in the house - such a pain - i'm sure that was great with you not feeling great in the first place :)

tawnya said...

I'm so sorry! We just got a freezer for the garage yesterday and a lock was a must!